Friday, September 21, 2007

The Road to Beaufort Wes

So the world stop turnning today...

We stepped into a time machine and travelled through history, Anglo Boer War battle sites rushed up on the left and and forgotten dorppies[1] crowded in on the right! Names like The Battle of Langberg, Magersfontein, Modderfontein and Belmont. Turn off's to Prieska, Koffiefontein and De Aar.

All part of a world, a reality, a time we usually read about or hear about. It was an adventure in the true sense of the word, new and wonderful experiences. Like washing down Springbok Pies covered in blatjang[2], with homemade Karoo Gemmerbier[3].

Rustenburg - Derby - Koster - Lictenburg(tea, visit) - Sannieshof - Delerayville - detour :( - Ottosdal - Wolmaransstad - Bloemhof - Christiana - Warrenton - Kimberly(rest, visit, sleep) - Hopetown - Britstown - Victoria Wes - Three Sisters - Beaufort Wes(sleep, now!)

The last 1200km's have whoosed by, and have included all the above and as a bonus catching up with Family in Lichtenburg & Kimberly along the way. Tomorrow promises more of the same, in fact better 'coz there will be the prospect of the Cape Fold Mnt's and the Atlantic Ocean, as well as more Family visits in Worcester. The Bokke[4] will not be in the pies either, they will be handing out some rugby lessons to Tonga in France :)

Check back soon for "The Gery Hornbills - Wine Tasters Guide to Cape Town"

Vocab for Non-South Africans!
[1] Dorppies - small towns
[2]Blatjang - chutney
[3]Gemmerbier - ginger beer
[4]Bokke - The Springbok Rugby Team (SA's National Team!)
Go Bokke!

Here are some scenes from the "back seat".

1 comment:

Desia said...

I can nearly smell the veld, when I see the photos.
Enjoy your trip and keep the updates coming!
Safe driving.

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