Sunday, March 23, 2008

Musings on an Easter Thought

Easter Morning and we celebrate the Resurrection! I was struck by a simple truth this morning, you cannot presume to think that you have "arrived" just because you claim a relationship with God, just because you say that you acknowledge Him in your life, just because you go to church every now and then... the simplicity of it all is that these things should not need claiming, they are simply put, an outward sign of the inward life that has been immovably put there by God Himself.

Immovably put there by God Himself, not a fickle wish by us. Our wish to be Holy, our wish to be joined with God, our wish to please others by living a just life, these are good wishes but fallible and corruptible as all human wishes are. No, rather we see what God has placed in us as infallible, incorruptible and everlasting, then we see the simplicity for what it is. We read His Word and see reflected there what He was wrought in us, not the other way round - we cannot try and be what His Word requires without Him in us!

Hope that you are spending time in your days with God, not for my sake or your neighbours, or your colleagues, or your parents sakes, but for your sakes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Distilled truth in a time when lots are busy with so much .Reminded me of the message to the church in Ephesus:
I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicket men........Yet , I hold this against you:
You have forsaken your first love
Rev 2

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